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You're Invited!

As the Annual GPPN Conference will take place online this year, we are pleased to invite all students, alumni, faculty and staff of GPPN Schools to the following sessions.


Deans’ Roundtable

Hosted by the University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Public Policy

Digitalisation, Digital Governance, and the Transformation of Public Policy Education

Synopsis: This roundtable intends to discuss the future of public policy education in the light of the increasing digitalisation of governance tools and of the society more in general. The great acceleration of digitalisation as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, but also of the shift towards a new vision of the society and the economy, particularly in terms of decarbonization and effort to fight the ongoing global environmental crisis, point to a future where new competences and skills will be required to successfully operate as a public policy specialist. Hear from the Deans of GPPN Schools as they discuss: How can public policy schools respond to the challenges of a growing digitalisation of policymaking and of the economy? What kind of theoretical and practical courses, seminars, learning-by-doing educational experiences should be integrated in our curricula in order to prepare future public policy experts to navigate current and future digital public policy landscapes?


Keynote Series

Hosted by the University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Public Policy


How do I sign up?

Pre-registration is required for both sessions. Please contact the following GPPN Focal Points from your school to request an invitation, if you have not yet received one:​

  • Columbia SIPA: Cory Way

  • FGV: Claudio Couto

  • GraSPP: Aoi Ohno

  • Hertie: Juliane McCarty

  • LKYSPP: Kartini Rahman

  • LSE: Paul Sullivan

  • SciencesPo: Jennie Cottle




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