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Call for Grad Student Papers: Urbanization and International Affairs

The 148th edition of the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs Journal of International Affairs (JIA) seeks to provide an enduring/definitive examination of how the growth and proliferation of cities, and the contemporary entities and dynamics in international affairs, are shaping and transforming each other.

JIA seeks contributions that establish compelling ways of thinking about urban and rural contexts as independent or dependent, in ways that directly influence practical international affairs.

JIA welcomes contributions that cross-cut themes of interest with an explicit regional focus. JIA encourages contributors focusing on a particular country to clearly state the implications of their arguments in an international or transnational context.

Submission Guidelines

JIA publishes peer-reviewed academic essays of 4,000-6,000 words and analytical arguments of 1,500-3,000 words, which are not peer-reviewed. Those interested in contributing are welcome to submit for either format.

All articles must represent original, unpublished work. JIA follows Chicago style, and its citation format is an adaptation of Chicago’s Notes and Bibliography system. Adaptations of existing work, such as book chapters, are considered if they are distinct enough from the original, and conference papers are welcome.

Interested contributors may submit a 200-word abstract or pitch detailing key questions, arguments, methodology and findings (for an essay), and implications for scholars and policy practitioners. Full drafts are welcome and encouraged. Please email with “JIA 2021 Submission” in the subject line.

Abstracts will be considered on a rolling basis until April 16, 2021 and drafts will be considered on a rolling basis until April 23, 2021 for academic essays and until May 7, 2021 for analytical arguments. Earlier submission is preferred.




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