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Call for Papers - The Public Sphere Journal, LSE

The Public Sphere Journal at the London School of Economics and Political Science is pleased to announce that submissions for the 2021 issue are now being accepted.

The Journal is currently seeking submissions related to the theme of State Response and Capacity .

The upcoming issue will focus on a variety of topics examining the concept of state capacity from different view-points. A (non-exhaustive) set of points this could cover: ● Challenges to building state capacity at global, national and regional levels such as the presence of (or lack thereof) active civil society, institutions and legal order. ● Perceived trustworthiness and credibility of governments and public institutions and their ability to deliver goods and services ● Crisis management and response ● Public responses to state performance ● Financing state capacity ● The nature and extent of social protections

Submissions are sought in the form of policy papers, policy briefs or photo essays.

To submit, please see the submission guidelines below and send submissions to



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