Shelter 2.0
The 10th annual GPPN Conference, hosted by the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs, featured students' solution oriented ideas and prototypes to address public policy challenges identified by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To participate, each GPPN member school carefully selected up to five student teams to present their projects and compete for the GPPN prize. The result: 32 teams from around the world met in Paris to showcase their ideas on how to solve some of the most pressing global challenges of today.
According to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), 3.5 billion people – half of humanity, live in cities today. By 2030, almost 60 percent of the world’s population will live in urban areas. Furthermore, this rapid urbanization would make more and more people in cities vulnerable to disasters due to the high density of population. Here ‘disaster’ does not only mean ‘natural disaster’ but also disaster caused by humanity itself, such as terrorism. Thus, the UN has set SDG 11 to ‘make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable’ as well as multiple targets to achieve that goal. As we have experienced repeatedly in recent disaster situations, contingency plans in urban areas run by government agencies and private companies have limitations. In particular, when it comes to the relief activities and emergency aid activities following a disaster in cities, it is nearly impossible to deal with not only the massive numbers but also the variations of needs from the victims. However, ‘Shelter 2.0’ which was inspired by multiple innovative concepts of information technology will diminish the limitations of ‘individuals’ becoming providers by connecting the individual and users directly. A prototype is already created as a final outcome. You can access the website at:

Meet the team

Giulio Coral: (Engineering/Aeronautics & Astronautics, M2) Born in Italy, I grew up with a great passion for science and technology, and the choice of studying engineering was almost natural. I lived and studied in the US and Japan, broadening my views in terms of both education and culture. With my research, I want to enhance human space exploration capabilities, to help our society becoming multiplanetary. I'm kind of a polyhedric person, and among my interest policy and economics deserve a special mention, since technology alone doesn't solve problems. In my (very little) free time, I play piano and practice martial arts.

Hee-Woon Lee: (Public Policy/International Public Policy, Ma) I was born and raised in South Korea. After a long time spending life as a soldier in several countries, I have settled in Japan and worked for several years. However, I felt that it is time to gather further knowledge so that I could become a person who could contribute more to the society that I live in in a more efficient way. Since I have worked closely with engineers and have a Computer Science background, I am interested tackling social issues with innovative technology. This is why I have started the project Shelter2.0 for the GPPN challenge.

Quentin Verspieren: I was born in Lyon, France. After scientific preparatory school, I entered the ISAE-SUPAERO, French Grande École specialised in Aerospace engineering. In 2015, I started a double-degree at the University of Tokyo where I conduct two kinds of research: pure astrodynamics consisting in the computation of interplanetary trajectories for my laboratory next space probe, EQUULEUS, and interdisciplinary studies on the use of satellite remote sensing capabilities for development, involving monthly field trips in Southeast Asia. I will soon start a PhD in Public Policy on the establishment of regional frameworks for space data sharing. I aim at a career in international cooperation and development organisations.

Tomohiro Kaneko: (Public Policy/ International Public Policy, M1) I was born in Japan. When visiting the UN, I gained interest in poverty. Then, as I found out coffee producing countries suffered from poverty, I was absorbed into learning about the coffee industry. Coffee became my hobby as well as my academic subject. In my graduate study, I worked on SDG implementation in Japan with the government and private sector as an intern at an NGO. It was intriguing to me to understand how business contributes to the SDGs by creating both economic and social value. I am full of curiosity but my current interest is how to solve social issues through business.
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