How can solutions be found to global public policy challenges?

The deans of the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin and of the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs responded to this question with one voice. Schools of public policy and public policy students from around the world must work together, open up to other cultures and draw on professionals from diverse fields including scientists, entrepreneurs, start-ups and developers.
In June 2016, the Global Public Policy Network secretariat moved from the Hertie School of Governance to Sciences Po. Yann, as dean of the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs, you will head the GPPN for the next two years. What are your plans for the GPPN?
Yann Algan, dean of the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs: The world is a global village, but we are clearly lacking global village leaders. The mission of the GPPN, which includes seven universities from around the world,* is to provide innovative solutions to the major global public policy challenges—climate change, sustainable development, global health or the global financial market—through knowledge-sharing.
The GPPN is first and foremost a student exchange programme, but we also try to develop a variety of educational innovations that connect the GPPN partners overall. We share a common public policy case study library, typically looking at how a given public policy is implemented in two different countries; for instance, how Uber or AirbnB are regulated in Berlin and Paris, compared to the situation in Tokyo, Singapore and New York...
Originally published by Sciences Po
Photo: Helmut Anheier and Yann Algan, October 2016, Paris